Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Feeling Famous

For some reason, every time I celebrated my birthday in Milan the most amazing things would happen. This first season, the agency party happened to fall on my birthday and I got the honor of getting to grace the party invitation's cover along with Eye for I's other "top" girls. I really didn't consider myself one the agency's "tops" but maybe they I wasn't gonna go run and complain about it. LOL! My second season in Milan I ended up celebrating my birthday in Monte Carlo during the Grand Prix....but I won't give out all the details now because I want to stay chronological and not give away all the juice just yet. Suffice it to say P.Diddy, Prince Albert, Naoimi Campbell et. al. were there......not for me per se, but STILL! HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY TO ME! LOLOLOLOL!

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Oh yeah...for this particular birthday, I brought all of my friends to Old Fashion Cafe and we ate and drank and made merry until the wee hours of the morning. All paid for by Eye for I who literally "eyed" my male model friends wishing they repped them...since they were already taken by Riccardo Gay, WhyNot, Fashion, etc. The men's division booker actually told me that if any of my boys were unhappy at their agencies to let him know. Yeah, my friends are hot.

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